Monday, 31 December 2012

Frequent Diseases Which Affect People Over the Age of 50

  1. The human body falls prey to a variety of diseases as it grows older. The strength and agility of both the body and the mind start depleting at a rapid rate. This is the time when an aged person gets most susceptible and vulnerable.

Diseases Over Age Of 50

Following are the frequent diseases which are most common in people over 50 years of age:
  1. Urinary In-consistence: This is a very common disease among disease associate with aging which causes a heavy impact on the quality of life. The urinary bladder loses its capability to control. As a result, this leads to less or severe involuntary leakage of urine. Mostly common in women, this can also happen to men.
  2. Heart Disease: As a person starts growing old, all the organs in the body start losing their efficiencies. The one organ which remains most at risk is the heart. It is mainly caused due to irregular function of the heart and the arteries. The common agents behind heart disease are excessive stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and alcohol consumption.
  3. Eyesight Problems: Our eyes lose its strength as we grow old. Although myopia (shortsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness) and astigmatism are common problems with eyesight at all ages, the ones which are a real danger to the aged people are glaucoma, cataracts, presbyopia, and macular degeneration. Eye floaters and flashes are also being frequently reported by old people.
  4. Alzheimer’s disease: This disease is the most familiar form of dementia. Sadly, there is no such cure for this illness. It grows with the progress of time and eventually kills the patient. The most common symptoms are irritability, confusion and long-term memory loss. Although it is generally reported in people over 65, it is also being frequently found in people over 50.
  5. Osteoporosis: It is the disease which makes the bones of the aged people brittle which an increased chance of fracture. This mainly happens due to the loss of tissue caused by the deficit of Vitamin D and calcium. It has no such symptom. This disease increases the risk of breaking a bone whenever an elderly falls down.
  6. Hair Loss: The most common cause of hair loss in aged people is balding. The growth rate of hair decreases as a person grows old. The follicles that surround the root of the hair also do not often respond properly. Moreover, it is seen that hair loss in aged people is caused due to diabetes, hypothyroidism and deficiency of iron in the body.
Although these are the most common diseases in aged people over 50 years of age, there are numerous minor and fatal diseases which affect the human body. In order to stay fit, healthy and away from these diseases as much as possible, extensive care for the elderly must be taken. 

The elderly people should be taken to frequent checkups, so that it is not too late to diagnose a disease. They should indulge daily in simple physical exercises like morning walks. When they are ill, home health care services must be contacted. These service providers are trained professionals who are expert in taking care of the elderly people during a disease and help them get back to normal lifestyle as soon as possible.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

If you would like to learn more about appendicitis and how you can treat it properly, this is article that could help you.  This article will focus on the causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease and how you might be able to detect the genesis of the disease beforehand.
However, let us first define what appendicitis is and what it can do to your body.  But knowing this, you would be able to prepare yourself for any inevitability that may happen because of the condition.


Definition of Terms
Appendicitis refers to a condition wherein the appendix of a patient experiences swelling, infection and overall damage that can result to rupturing from inside the body.  If this happens, it can lead to a lot of complications and health problems for the patient.

Appendicitis Symptoms
There are a number of symptoms that you need to watch out for when it comes to appendicitis.  These are as follows.  If you experience any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you go to your doctor right away to get treatment as soon as possible.
  • Decreasing desire to eat
  • Abdominal tenderness specifically within the lower-right quadrant of the abdomen
  • Other patients may experience no tender parts in the abdominal area. In addition, the pain may spread into different areas of the abdomen for children.  In adults there would be lesser pain experienced.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Constipation
  • Gas
If the patient has a more advanced type of appendicitis, it is more likely that he will have the following symptoms:
  • Swelling
  • Rigidity
  • Pain
Appendicitis Causes
Some of the known possible causes of appendicitis would be infection and an obstruction in the tubes of the appendix.  In addition to this, this condition in generally strike at ages 10 to 30.  However, it is known to strike at any age.

Basic Meaning and Implications
If this happens, it may mean that there is an inflammation and that it has spread into the abdominal area. These are the reasons why you should go to your doctor right away to have it treated.  If you don’t do so right away, the symptoms will escalate in severity and become severe peritonitis. This would be extremely life threatening.
The greatest problem with appendicitis will happen when the appendix ruptures.  If this happens, all the bacteria and bodies that cause inflammation in the appendix will spread into the cavity and bloodstream. This can cause severe infection for the patient.
It can happen that there would be a build-up of scars that can form abscesses surrounding the appendix.  This may reduce the risk of having infections because it will protect the abdominal area from being infected by the pus inside.  However, if this happens it will certainly complicate things because this may require two complete surgeries as treatment.

Appendicitis Diagnosis
As a patient, at the suspicion of appendicitis, you should try to circumvent taking laxatives in order to prevent the immediate rupturing of your appendix.  Appendicitis is typically determined by undergoing a clinical diagnosis.  The doctors will have to run some tests in order to check the degree and position of the inflammation in your abdomen.
After the physical examination, blood work ups may also be completed to see any possible infections.  Urine samples may also be taken to eliminate any possibility of infection within the urinary tract.  This is basically done because both conditions may present similar symptoms.
Here are some additional procedures that can be taken to make sure if you do or do not have appendicitis.
  • Ultrasound
  • Abdominal CT scans
This is done if other tests are inconclusive.  In addition to this, there are other known diseases that can be confused with appendicitis.  These are as follows:
  • Colitis
  • Tubal pregnancy
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Gastritis
  • Problems in the ovaries
  • Gastroenteritis
Appendicitis Treatment Methods
According to experts, the best way to treat appendicitis is to remove the appendix through surgery.  This is what you call an appendectomy.  It is a simple operation that can be done despite duped the appendix being ruptured.
In addition to this, the patient may also be given antibiotics before surgery.  The series of antibiotics may also be continued during recovery to prevent bacteria from entering the abdominal area before, during and after the procedure.
There is another type of appendectomy that surgeons usually use.  This procedure is called Laparoscopic Appendectomy.  This procedure is usually opted for by most surgeons because it is not invasive.  In this procedure, a small cylinder is used to take out the appendix which will leave miniscule scarring within the operated area.
Depending upon the procedure specifics the doctors will use, they can finish the procedure within a day.  Recovery time would take about a week at the most.  Having a healthy amount of fiber in your diet can help prevent appendicitis from ever affecting you as the patient.

Things to Remember
  1. The use of the appendix for the human body is still not very clear.  According to research, the appendix may be a devoted environment for responsive bacteria to grow in order to help the body create the antibodies that can help combat infection.
  2. The appendix may be located in different parts of the internal human systems.  The location of the appendix is not uniformly similar among all human beings.  It may be located behind the colon, liver or the pelvis in some patients.
  3. An MRI scan can also be done to determine the severity of the condition.  These are just some of the major pieces of data that you need to remember in order for you to learn as much as you can about appendicitis.  We hope that this article can help you deal with any kind of possible emergency scenarios involving patients with appendicitis.
  4. Having regular appointments with your Physician will help you determine if you have appendicitis at an early stage.  In this way, you would be able to prevent it immediately before it happens to you and causes irreparable damage to your body.  
  5. As stated earlier, do not hesitate to contact your doctor right away in case you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Winter At-Home Interval Training

As the weather gets colder it becomes more difficult to get cardio in if your primary form of exercise involves the outdoors. For those people who walk, job, or cycle the drop in temperature, shorter days, and addition of rain to the forecast makes cardio a much more daunting task. Unless of course you have a simple workout you can do at home in your living room or bedroom.
Another benefit of working out at home is you save time and avoid the numerous germs that always float around enclosed spaces full of people.
home interval training

Winterized Interval Training

The key to any great interval training session is variety to keep the pace changing from high to low. This routine combines a bunch of exercises that you can do anywhere without equipment.
This routine is designed as a circuit. Do the entire circuit without resting between exercises. Then rest 30 seconds before repeating the circuit another 2 to 4 times depending on your energy level.

1.    10 Burpees
2.    20 Jumping Jacks
3.    10 Total Body Extensions
4.    20 Pushups
5.    20 Jumping Jacks
6.    10 Door Rows (per arm)
7.    20 X-Body Mountain Climbers (10 per side)
8.    20 Jumping Jacks
9.    10 Switch Lunges (per leg)
10.    10 Spider-Man Pushups (5 per side)
11.    20 Jumping Jacks
12.    10 Switch Lunges (per leg)
13.    20 Jumping Jacks
14.    30 Second Wall Squat

Exercise Descriptions

Some exercises like jumping jacks and pushups, everyone knows how to do. But, if you are confused about how to perform any of the others, review their descriptions.
•    Burpees - You start in a standing position and squat down, placing your hands in a pushup position. Then you shoot your legs behind you, do a pushup, pull your legs under you, and jump straight in the air with hands reaching to the sky.
•    Total Body Extensions - From a standing position, squat down in a 3/4 squat, then in one smooth motion extend up on to your toes while you swing your arms up from your sides to straight overhead leaving your body fully extended.
•    Door Rows - Stand with your feet at a door jamb. Reach out and grab the frame at shoulder height and lean back. From this position pull yourself towards the door like a single-arm row.
•    X-Body Mountain Climbers - Start in a pushup position with arms extended. Drive your right knee towards your left elbow, contracting your abs hard. Then repeat with your left knee to right elbow.
•    Switch Lunges - Start in a standing position, Jump up and land in a lunge position. Lunge down quickly and explode up into a jump, switching legs.
•    Spider-Man Pushups - Assume a pushup position. Bring your right knee out and around towards your right elbow then go down in a pushup and back up. Then switch to the left knee to left elbow.
•    Wall Squats - Squat down against a wall so your back is flat against the wall, thighs are parallel to the ground and knee and hips both form 90 degree angles. Hold this position.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Breast Enhancement - Common Fears Regarding Breast Enhancement

Breast enhancements are among the most popular cosmetic surgery and anti aging procedures. Each year the number of these operations increases, with girls as young as 16 years old having their breasts enlarged. Since the breasts are a primary signifier of womanhood, it is easy to see why making them bigger would make women feel better about themselves. The surgery makes them feel like they have gotten closer to looking the way they think women are supposed to look.

breast enhancement

Medical and technological advances have made breast augmentations more attainable than they ever were before. New kinds of silicone look indistinguishable from real breast tissue. Women who opt for saline implants can forgo scars entirely. The empty bags are rolled up, inserted through an incision inside the belly button and snaked up through the torso. Once the bags are in place, they are unfolded and filled with saline.
An unfortunate consequence of the relative ease of performing breast augmentations is the increase in unqualified and unlicensed surgeons who are operating on women. A doctor does not have to have been certified by any governing or medical organization to call himself a plastic surgeon. To avoid this, a woman who is considering surgery should inquire as to whether the aesthetic clinic is board certified. She should avoid doctors who do not carry this credential.

Today's celebrity-oriented culture has contributed to a growing awareness of plastic surgery. It has become very easy to tell when someone has had a bad breast augmentation. The implants may have been lazily placed on top of the chest muscles instead of underneath them. Thin women whose implants are too big for their frames have obvious spherical outlines over their rib cages. A woman can avoid looking like this by preparing a list of questions and concerns for her surgeon. If possible, she should find pictures of women whose chests look the way she wants hers to look. Sometimes it is easier to show by example than to describe body parts in words. She should also ask to see before and after pictures of the surgeon's past patients.

There are some common red flags that women should know about before committing to a surgeon. A doctor whose prices seem too good to be true should not be trusted; good breast enhancements are worth their high price tags. Women should also avoid surgeons who push to enhance breasts by more than two-cup sizes.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Xanax Dosage Addiction: All Xanax Review

Xanax is a powerful drug most often used in the treatment of anxiety, panic disorder and other related illnesses. This drug acts as a depressant to the central nervous system and, when taken as prescribed, effectively relieves symptoms that include overwhelming fear, panic-induced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, severe nervousness and more. However, this drug is often misused and is, in fact, one of the most-abused prescription drugs in the United States.

How Does Addiction to Xanax Occur?

In most cases, addiction to Xanax begins innocently enough. For example, if an individual experiences symptoms of panic disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive behaviors, he or she may decide to see a mental health professional for a complete psychological evaluation. During this evaluation, a doctor may take into consideration the severity and frequency of symptoms, as well as their probability to interfere with daily activities. If symptoms are severe enough to warrant medication, Xanax, or its generic form, alprazolam, is often prescribed. And although Xanax is often helpful at reducing symptoms and improving quality of life, misuse occurs due to a tolerance for the drug, which can lead to the need for larger, more frequent doses in order to produce initial effects. Also, in some cases, patients seek the euphoric effects produced by Xanax and begin to take larger quantities of the drug, even when symptoms of anxiety aren't present.

What Are the Signs of Xanax Addiction?

Like other types of substance abuse, addiction to Xanax may be hard to detect in its initial stages. However, there are several signs that may indicate the beginnings of addiction, some of which include the following:
  • Psychological cravings for the drug. 
  • Persisting symptoms, which could indicate an increasing tolerance. 
  • Using more medication that prescribed. 
Once addiction progresses, the signs become easier to spot. For example, individuals addicted to Xanax may exhibit behaviors like the following:
  • Slurred speech.
  • Problems with coordination or motor skills. 
  • Inappropriate behavior and/or loss of inhibitions. 
  • Black-outs or memory loss. 
  • Personality changes, including apathy or a drastic decrease in emotional range. 
  • Compulsions and preoccupations regarding Xanax. This can include excessive thoughts about the drug, as well as extreme anxieties when supply dwindles. 

How Is Xanax Addiction Treated?

When addiction to Xanax is apparent, seeking treatment is recommended. Some individuals can stop using the drug suddenly without experiencing any negative side effects. Others, however, may have a difficult time discontinuing use and may experience withdrawal symptoms that include rapid heartbeat, insomnia, an increase in anxiety and panic disorder symptoms, tremors and high blood pressure. In these cases, the risk for complications such as seizure and stroke are increased; therefore, a physician should be consulted. In most cases of Xanax addiction, a tapering dose is prescribed, as well as medications used to substitute Xanax. These often include other anti-anxiety drugs that have a lower potential for abuse.

In severe cases of Xanax addiction, entering a substance abuse treatment facility is often recommended. Here, patients will receive proper treatment for withdrawal symptoms, as well as learn coping strategies for dealing with anxiety and other issues without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Smoking Bad for Health

We have all been told at one point or another that smoking is bad for you – and there is a lot of evidence to back that up! But did you know that smoking causes a multitude of dental problems?

The most obvious dental problems that arise from smoking are bad breath and yellow teeth. This is caused primarily by the tar present in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco. Complications are often caused by the increased build up of tarter and plaque on smoker’s teeth, although some of them are directly related to the nicotine and chemicals present in tobacco products. Smoking interferes with the repair and general function of gum tissue, and impairs blood flow in the gums. That is enough to keep many people from smoking – bad breath is a horrible social deterrent, and is one of the biggest complaints of the work environment, according to a recent survey. Yellow teeth are, well, unsightly – in the ancient Japanese culture wives would let their teeth turn yellow and even black to show their loyalty to their husband – but we have come a long way since then, and just about anywhere you go now, yellow teeth are more of a sign of poor hygiene than anything.
That being said, there are many other problems – not just more problems, but worse ones - that are caused by smoking.

The problems that smokers often experience are:
•    Leukoplakia – This disease causes precancerous white patches of keratin to grow inside the mouth.

•    Gum Disease – Also known as Periodontal Disease – it can become very serious if left untreated, causing the individual’s teeth to become loose or separated, swollen and tender gums, and eventually, complete loss of teeth.

•    Oral Cancer – This is simply cancerous growth in the mouth and throat.

•    Impaired oral healing – Smoking causes your oral healing process to slow, which can be frustrating for individuals prone to cold sores, people with sensitive gums, or individuals who have recently had some kind of oral surgery.

•  Perhaps the most unfortunate thing about smoker’s oral complications is that many of these problems can be passed on to the individuals around them through second hand smoke. This is extremely important for parents to keep in mind – your children are subject to the dental problems in the list above if they are exposed to second hand smoke.

So be careful! If you smoke, consider your environment, and protect those around you by smoking a distance away from everyone else. If you don’t, keep your children (and yourself) from secondhand smoke – your teeth and overall oral health are affected by it, and ultimately you are responsible.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Do You Have Pre-diabetes?

What is Pre-diabetes?

Pre-diabetes is when blood glucose levels are high, but not high enough to be considered Type 2 diabetes.  People that have pre-diabetes are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, but it does not mean that they will develop Type 2 diabetes.  Yes, pre-diabetes is the same as Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Impaired Fasting Glucose.  About 11 percent of people who were tested for pre-diabetes developed Type 2 within the three year mark of retesting, and there were other cases of people developing Type 2 diabetes within 10 years.  The best way to ensure that you will not develop Type 2 diabetes is by losing at least seven percent of your body weight through proper diet and exercise.  

What is Pre-diabetes

How Do They Test for Pre-diabetes, and Should You Be Tested?

Doctors will perform a few tests to see if you have pre-diabetes.  One test is a fasting plasma glucose test that requires you to not eat overnight.  A person with a pre-diabetes will have blood glucose levels between 100 and 125 mg/dl.  Another test is called an oral glucose tolerance test, which also requires not eating overnight.  This test is done after fasting and again two hours after consuming a glucose-filled drink.  The pre-diabetes blood glucose levels after drinking the sugary drink should be between 140 and 199 mg/dl.  

The last test that can be performed is the A1C test, which measures the amount of glucose in the system for the past three months because glucose sticks to the red blood cells for the duration of the cell’s life.  A person with pre-diabetes will have blood glucose levels between 5.7 and 6.4 percent.

You should get tested for pre-diabetes if you are overweight and 45 years old and older.  If you are 45 and not overweight, ask your doctor if you should be tested.  A history of diabetes in the family is also a good reason to be checked.  If you are tested and your numbers come back normal then you should be checked every three years, but if you are in the pre-diabetes stage then you should be checked once a year.  Also, if you are in the pre-diabetes stage, you should have your cholesterol and triglycerides checked just to be safe. 

Symptoms of Pre-Diabetes

Sometimes, it is difficult to know if you may have diabetes.  Here are a few signs you can look for
1. Urinating often
2. Vision Distorted
3. Always thirsty
4. Bruising easily
5. Fatigue
6. Getting infections often
7. Tingling or numbness of hands and feet

We know that diabetes can be very dangerous if not cure on time, So it's my personal request to those people who feel above symptoms must rush to their physician for quick assistant.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Liquid Diet: What It Is and Which Celebs Use It to Lose Weight in Just Days

Whenever celebrities gain weight,they end up on the cover of tabloids and magazines. And when they do shed the extra pounds, they’re still in the headlines. The public’s curiosity and fascination with stars and their weight and figure are becoming more apparent. And if the celebs are getting more than enough publicity for their weight loss, so do their diet and figure-enhancing workouts. And one of these fad diets would be the liquid diet.

Liquid Diet

The liquid diet is a type of diet which involves the intake of mainly liquid food like soups, vegetable or fruit juices, water, and more. Some liquid diet supplements are bought as shakes in bottles or cans and are available in health food stores or pharmacies. They are usually in powder form and you can make them as drinks at home. Sometimes, this kind of diet is used in the treatment of extremely obese patients. Liquid diets contain reduced amounts of calories so even if you drink 4 or 5 of them a day, you’ll only consume about 400 to 800 calories on average each day. Because you reduce your caloric intake, it can make you lose weight fast. In just a matter of 3 days, you’ll see results. That’s why many famous celebrities love liquid diets and even swear by them. Here are a few of Hollywood’s A-list celebs who have used liquid diets and have gotten the bodies to prove it:


When she was cast in the musical film “Dream Girls”, Beyonce needed to lose weight, so she resorted to a liquid diet. She gulped down The Master Cleanse – a concoction of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup. It’s a very strict 2-week diet, providing only 600 to 1,300 calories per day. And when the R&B diva did this, the results were astounding. Actresses Aisha Tyler and Ginnifer Goodwin have also used this diet.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey

People have always known Matthew McConaughey for his rock hard abs, muscular physique and also for doing muscle enhancing workouts whenever he’s seen out in public. But the star has recently decided to drop a considerable amount of weight for his role in the movie "The Dallas Buyers Club”. The star lost 30 pounds on a liquids-only diet and is now looking more frighteningly frail.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
Sarah Jessica Parker (or “SJP” to fans) loves the Blueprint Cleanse. It’s a 3-day to 10-day all-liquid diet that consists of daily tonics like cashew-nut milk and a concoction of pineapple, apple, and mint juice.

50 Cent
50 Cent
50 Cent was looking like he’s down to a quarter of his usual weight when he became super thin and 50 pounds lighter for the film "Things Fall Apart". The rapper has always been buff and muscular, regularly doing different muscle enhancing workouts. But in order to pursue an acting career, the hip-hop star decided to drop the weight and reportedly had a strict liquid diet for 2 months.
The stars are swearing by it. The liquid diet is your solution if you need to lose weight fast. You have to be extra careful about this diet though, because at a mere 400 to 800 calories per day, you’ll definitely feel easily exhausted and you may even experience muscle cramps. That’s why liquid diets can only be done for 3 days. It’s also recommended that you do this diet with the guidance or supervision of a medical expert or doctor to ensure you’re not putting yourself at risk.