Friday, 26 July 2013

Nuvagenic Review: Does This Pill Really Work?

Product Overview:
Appetite suppression is one of the means to control weight gain. Many new supplements in the market focus on this aspect to promote their product.
Similarly, NuvaGenic diet pill claims to curb cravings with the help of herb extracts and berries, which combine together for effective weight loss.

Nuvagenic Product Image
How does it work?
NuvaGenic is said to be a supplement equipped with an all-natural formula for losing weight. The main ingredient used in the product is African Mango, which has the property for appetite suppression. This ingredient also claims to have fat burning and powerful detox properties. The special mix of berries and herbs is supposed to cause weight loss by boosting metabolism and fat-targeting properties.

Nuvagenic’s all natural formula consists of the following ingredients.
  • African Mango
  • Acai Berry Fruit
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Caffein
Product Advantages:
  1. Nuva Genic is made from known herbs.
  2. Testimonials are available.
Product Disadvantages:
  1. The official website is difficult to access.
  2. There are no free trials and the product offers no money back guarantee.
  3. The official website does not mention about the price and manufacturer.
  4. No proofs on clinical studies.
Some Do’s and Don'ts:
  • It is advised to follow a good exercise routine along with the product.
  • The product is for adult usage only, not to be used by below 18 years.
Final Verdict:
Eventhough the product’s official website has various testimonials, yet it lacks on the clinical studies and money back guarantee. Also no free trials on offer. It is best to compare this product with other established supplements, before you give it a try.

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