Friday, 27 December 2013
Monitor Overeating With Bra Sensors
Researchers have been designing new kinds of ways to help anxious overeaters reduce this habit, or at least make them aware of when it’s happening. Along with stress apps for the smartphone and bracelets with special sensors, engineers and designers at Microsoft Research recently invented a stress-busting bra made with special material that monitors the wearers moods and helps to regulate stress eating.
"It’s mostly women who are emotional overeaters, and it turns out that a bra is perfect for measuring EKG (electrocardiogram)," said Mary Czerwinski, a cognitive psychologist and senior researcher in visualization and interaction at Microsoft. "We tried to do the same thing for men's underwear but it was too far away (from the heart)."
The stress-busting bra was recently tested by a small group of volunteers who were able to get feedback on their moods. Microsoft built the sensor pads with a microprocessor powered by a 3.7-volt battery. It was able to sample up to eight bio-signal channels simultaneously, according to Czerwinski’s research paper, Food and Mood: Just-in-Time Support for Emotional Eating, which was presented recently at the Society for Affective Computing conference.
The sensors captured heart rate and respiration with an EKG sensor, skin conductance with an electrodermal activity sensor, and movement with an accelerometer and gyroscope. The data was streamed to a smarphone app, as well as stored in the researchers’ computer.
By both recording their own moods on a smartphone app and collecting data from the bra-sensors, the scientists could accurately predict changes in physiology that accompanies eating and stress, including whether the subjects were happy or angry.
The sensor pads were built into each woman’s own bra, but Czerwinski admitted that they only worked for about four hours until they had to recharge the batteries. She's now looking for another part of the body to monitor moods that has similar physiological accuracy, but that doesn’t require as much work.
"Those brave women kept having to run to the bathroom to charge their bra," Czwerwinski said. "I think an insert in the foot would be good because feet are really sweaty."
Czerwinski and others in the field of affective computing are trying to find ways to get technology to monitor and understand human emotions and perhaps offer simple prescriptions. The Microsoft phone app has users visit social media sites or write positive emails as simple ways of elevating mood.
Another project with cancer doctors gives them instant feedback on their degree of patient empathy, or, put another way, their "bedside manner." A wall fabric with built-in sensors detects whether the doctor is talking or listening during a patient visit and whether the physician is using warm or cold emotional language. The fabric, in the form of a flower, then changes shape and color as a way of helping the doctor improve communications.
As for stressful eating, another psychologist says that maybe we shouldn’t worry about it so much. Gudrun Sproesser, a post-doctoral student at Germany’s University of Konstanz, published a study recently that calls into question the oft-held belief that stressful eaters are engaging in negative behavior.
Using an experiment where volunteers were put into a stressful situation and then given ice cream to eat, Sproesser found that self-described stress-eaters did binge on ice cream. But when they were put into positive situations,they compensated by eating less. Volunteers who skipped food when stressed actually ate more than the stress eaters when they were happy.
"The message should be that people shouldn’t people think too much about their eating," said Sproesser. "If they feel like eating in a positive situation, they should; if it’s negative, they probably will compensate for that."
Sproeusser, whose study was published last month in the journal Psychological Science, said the next step is to find out whether stress-eaters can switch from unhealthy junk food to healthy food and still deal with feelings of stress.
Article Source:
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Roxylean Reviewed: What are the Side Effects
Most Roxylean apply to people who already have vulnerabilities. For example, some people who are at risk when it comes to these side effects are women who are pregnant or who are planning on becoming pregnant. Likewise, if you are the kind of person who has suffered from liver or heart problems then you should beware of the Roxylean just to be on the safe side. As a matter of fact, if you are the kind of person who has had negative effects from supplements in the past, then you should be very careful and conscious of Roxylean side effects.
For some people, the side effects of Roxylean happen out of nowhere. A very few people might experience Roxylean side effects in which they have erratic heart rate, sweating, or even some anxiety. Likewise, others might suffer from indigestion or splotchy skin. If you have these product side effects, then you should see a health professional and discontinue use. For most people, however, the Side Effects of Roxylean are few and far between. As a matter of fact, this is one of the best nutritional supplements for fitness and energy on the market, and there is little reason to pass up this opportunity.
With that being said, it’s important that you don’t overlook the Roxylean. It’s a good idea to make sure that you are aware of all the side effects of Roxylean, this way you know what to look for. If you are the kind of person who is a little out of shape, then you can depend on some Roxylean side effects that feel like fatigue. The truth of the matter is that this supplement helps you to gain more energy, so if you extend yourself, it could leave you feeling exhausted. Take it easy and use the supplement to improve your health.
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Snooki Hit With Lawsuit Over Zantrex Diet Pill
The suit, filed Monday by Ashley Brady in Long Island Federal Court, charges that Zantrex weight loss pills are caffeine pills, which may not be a safe fat burner for an obese user or one suffering from heart disease.
"Snooki holds herself out as an expert in fitness," the complaint states. "In this regard, she has amassed many fans and followers who specifically follow and listen to her advice on weight loss and fitness."
"Not only is she the primary endorser of Zantrex products, she is, in fact, the face of the Zantrex brand."
The suit also names Zantrex makers Basic Research and Zoller Laboratories as defendants.
Brady, 29, says she was tricked by the diet pill, which is advertised as a rapid weight loss supplement.
Since becoming a mother, Snooki — born Nicole Polizzi — shed 50 pounds. The 26-year-old star of "Snooki & JWoww" was at her heaviest weight of 146 pounds during her "Jersey Shore" days. Now, at 96 pounds, Polizzi insists her size 0 physique is "normal."
"My arms still jiggle when I wave! I'm 4-foot-9, which is the size of a third-grader," Polizzi told in Touch magazine in September, "so weighing 96 pounds is normal for me."
Polizzi has often credited her new physique to strength training and cardio with her trainer. A lawyer for Zantrex told the Daily News the lawsuit was "baseless."
Article Source:
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Must Read Facts about Diabetes
Here are some facts that you should know about diabetes:
- Global epidemic emergence of diabetes can be associated with the rapid increases of obesity, physical inactivity and overweight.
- In year 2030, diabetes will be the 7th leading causes of deaths according to World Health Organization.
- 80% of World Health Organization documented deaths from diabetes came from the developing countries.
- Every second, one out of ten individuals with diabetes dies.
- Type I Diabetes is formerly known as Juvenile diabetes.
- An individual with type I diabetes are not capable of producing insulin.
- Type II diabetes can produce insulin, only that it is insufficient for the human body requirements.
- Type II diabetes are more common case than of Type I diabetes.
- Children with type II diabetes are now emerging worldwide.
- There is another type of diabetes known today as gestational diabetes.
- Person with diabetes do not actually die because of the disease. They died because of the complications associated with their current condition.
- Prevention of diabetes to occur in an individual with diabetic blood line is possible.
- Few minutes of drastic exercise or physical activities daily can help reduce the threat of having type II diabetes.
- Well balanced diet is vital for individual with diabetes.
- Almost 30% of the populations are not aware that they actually have onset diabetes.
- Type I diabetes cases are lower than type II diabetes cases.
- Symptoms of type I and type II diabetes are almost the same.
- Person with diabetes should have a daily meal plan.
- Person with Insulin dependent diabetes should not be involved in long and drastic activities. The human body needs energy from the glucose breakdown.
- Diabetes can also be associated with blindness that occurs in working adults.
- Individual with diabetes have high risk of developing heart diseases.
- Having diabetes is more costly than having tuberculosis.
- Diabetes needs lifetime treatment.
- Diabetic person should avoid intake of starchy foods like pasta, bread, rice potatoes and other root crops.
- Insulin is the prime responsible to transfer glucose from the blood to the human cells.
- Not all persons with diabetes are fat.
- Both Type I and Type II diabetes is a lifetime condition that have serious impending life threatening risk.
- Genital itching is possible symptoms of diabetes.
- Drastic weight loss can also be a symptom of diabetes.
- Slow wound healing is a concrete symptom of high glucose in blood.
- Diabetes can cause kidney failure that may lead to human death.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Weight Loss Supplements: Myth Busted in Recent Study!
People who wish to choose these kinds of supplements instead of following a healthy diet for weigh loss need to be aware that it can lead to granting oneself a psychological/moral license for self-indulgence. This is best explained by the psychological theory of moral licensing. According to this theory, a perceived positive health behaviour can cause the concerned person to grant himself the freedom to follow a less healthy diet. An example of this could be the case of a gym-goer who allows himself to indulge in unhealthy snacks as a reward or moral license for going to the gym.
Such kind of behavior is also witnessed among individuals opting for various weight loss supplements and pills. People who choose such pills and make compromises with a good diet for weight loss fail to realize that it won’t serve any long term benefits. This is because a placebo effect causing initial weight loss is the maximum benefit that any individual can hope and gain from weight-loss supplements.
In order to confirm this, a research test involving a group of healthy adults was conducted. The purpose of this research was to establish if a person who opts for weight loss pills instead of trying a healthy diet for weight loss would be inclined to a carefree attitude in the other aspects of their diet.
The initial stage: The adults were segregated into two groups. The first group was given a weight loss supplement and the second group was given a placebo pill. In reality, both the groups were actually given a placebo pill, but were not aware of this fact.
Second stage: Each of them were handed a questionnaire in which they had to rate the level of progress they were making towards achieving their weight loss goals. On the completion of this task, both the groups were offered a reward drink with the option to choose the quantity of sugar they wanted in it.
The last stage: The final stage of the research saw both the groups participating in a taste test. Here, both the adults were given the freedom to taste and consume as many as confectioneries as they wanted.
The result: It was observed that unlike the second group (placebo pill), people who believed they were consuming a weight loss supplement requested for almost double the amount of sugar in their reward drink. The same group also consumed almost 29% more confectioneries in the taste test. In addition, this group was more likely to state that they were making good progress in their journey towards weight loss.
This entire study was published in Appetite, the journal.
People who often find they wondering how to lose weight are also more susceptible to the use of weight loss pills. However, this may not be effective in the long term and opting for a healthy diet for weight loss is a far better and rewarding option. Consumption of weight loss supplements can make one believe that a “good act” has been performed. This can lead to self-indulgence as a way of rewarding the good behaviour/act. Therefore, the right kind of diet and lifestyle changes must be made for ensuring a healthy weight loss program.
For a further read on how to lose weight naturally, in easy steps, without having to consume any supplements, refer this Health Total blog: Losing Weight Made Easy.
To Sum it all up:
Weight loss pills may not have any long term benefits and may cause unexpected repercussions. In order to lose weight quickly it is important to know how to do it in the right way.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Vitiligo and Stigma
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No scientific evidence is present about the known causes of Vitiligo and same is the case with its treatment. There is no commonly used treatment to treat Vitiligo. Though Vitiligo does not pose any health complications to sufferers, it casts profound psychological burden on sufferers. This psychological burden is mainly due to stigma attached with the disease where this condition is considered as deviance.
Several researches have been conducted in the field of Vitiligo and stigma attached to it. The condition affects people to a different degree that suggests that psychological mechanisms that include sufferer’s way of processing information about him or herself, her or his social situation play a vital role in sufferer’s adjustment in the society. These reports also suggest that sufferer’s feel stigmatized that adds to their distress and feelings of disability.
Reportedly, Vitiligo affects at least 1% to 2% of the total world population. The skin disease is reported from across the globe irrespective of sex, race, and age. Vitiligo is more prominent in darker skin people because of contrast between the affected and unaffected skin. Due to this contrast it is presumed that Vitiligo prevails at a higher degree in countries where population is dark skinned. In such countries especially countries in South East Asia, Vitiligo is seen as a marked social stigma and even today people with Vitiligo do not get equal opportunities of social advancement and marriage.
As Vitiligo is a physical disorder, the white marks are considered dirty marks and thus a social deviance. Illiteracy and inherited attitudes just add to the social stigmatization as people think that the sufferers are responsible for these white patches. Several sufferers try to conceal their Vitiligo to avoid social stigmatization but this causes anxiety and its discloser brings pity to the sufferer from the society.
In around 50% cases of Vitiligo, people get it between the ages of 10 to 30, whereas few cases are reported people being born with Vitiligo. Vitiligo rarely affects the people of old age. It is suggested that families having history of thyroid disease, and diabetes may have a greater risk of developing Vitiligo into their coming generations.
People should remember that Vitiligo is a highly variable, unpredictable chronic disease process. There is however some degree of stability or low progression in the condition. It should also be remembered that by getting treatment for Vitiligo associated diseases such as thyroid diseases does not cure Vitiligo.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Listen to Your Children
Be sure to make a day that the family is together, there is always a time for talking and listening about the things they do every day.
Half of our life spends in school when we are a student right? So I think our children too. And parent also has other priorities such as going to work and office. But even those activities are we doing every day, it is important that there is a strong communications between parent and children. Always listen to what your children are talking about when they are spoken. Their feelings, opinions and views should always discuss.
There are some children grow up with depression because for some reason when they are children they don’t know whom they going to tell their problems, they think that there’s no person who is not listening to them.
Responding on their situations is important because you help them to express what they feel. To allow their emotions come up naturally. It is important to listen to them and give advice, because it helps them to be mature and helps them to overcome fear. Depression will resolve.
Some children tell their situation more on friends that to parent, although it’s ok but it’s always important that parent should know first because you as parents are the people who truly can understand what your children feels.
Good Communication and listening are important and a trait of becoming a successful in parenting. Listening from your children helps them to grow more and overcome fear at their stages
Friday, 22 November 2013
Restless Leg Syndrome: Signs and Treatments
Sign and symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
It seems that symptoms of this condition are most prevalent at night, and when you are trying to sleep. If you find that odd sensations in your legs, such as itching, pricking, burning, tingling, twitching, and the desire to constantly shift positions, is making it hard for you to rest, then you might suffer from restless legs syndrome. RLS symptoms may subside if you get up and walk around, only to return as soon as you once again attempt to rest.
Common causes of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Although a definitive cause for this syndrome is difficult to pin-point, it is generally accepted that an imbalance of the neurotransmitter dopamine may be to blame. Studies also tend to support the belief that restless legs syndrome is a genetic condition, as most people who suffer from RLS (about sixty percent, to be specific) also have relatives who suffer from RLS. Restless legs syndrome is most common amongst older adults and women – especially pregnant women – and may be triggered by common health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, kidney failure, and iron deficiency.
Treatments for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Fortunately, treating RLS begins with simple home remedies and lifestyle changes. Avoiding caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, sticking to a regular sleep routine, stretching your leg muscles regularly, exercising, supplementing your diet with iron, magnesium, vitamin B and folic acid, and practicing meditation and/or yoga can go a long way in relieving the symptoms of restless legs syndrome.
However, if you find that these treatment methods don’t work, you may opt to consult with a doctor for prescription medication treatment. Common drugs used to alleviate the symptoms of restless legs syndrome include prescription painkillers (like codeine, Vicodin and Percocet), sleep medications, muscle relaxers, and even Parkinson’s drugs like pramipexole and ropinirole.
Restless legs syndrome can seriously interfere with your health and wellbeing. If you think you may suffer from RLS, then you should make appropriate lifestyle changes, and then speak with your physician about treatments.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Right Natural Remedies Information
There are a lot of ways to find the natural remedies such as reading magazines, browsing information from the net, or watching television. The best way to search natural remedies for me is to join some forum. There are active users who shared listed natural remedies for people to use.
Read on what people say about natural remedies; find some people who talk about the positive and negative effect before you apply it to yourself.
If you have headache and you try to look it on the web or search engines, such as google, yahoo or bing. The best keyword for me I think is natural remedies for headache or natural remedies for migraine. Be specific on what you are looking for.
Another way to search the best natural remedies is to talk with some friends or relative. I think those who are ahead of you such grandma and grandpa knows more about natural remedies because at their era usually they use natural herbal remedies.
Another way to get the best information is to read some testimonial value and scientific research. Try to find people who uses and experience those method before applying it to yourself to avoid the risk and negative results.
There are tons of information today on the web, just be careful on what you read and what you get because some are not true and correct.
Because of the unstoppable expensive drugs all over the market, today, the interest of how to find a natural remedy increased. People now seek for the best and affordable ways to improve better.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
7 Healthy Ways To Deal With Stress In Recovery
Although the changes you are making to your lifestyle while in recovery are ultimately incredibly positive, you will no doubt face stress and unease during this time as well. Here are seven ways to help deal with stress during recovery.
1. Meditate
Meditation is an incredible tool for those in recovery because it allows you to become intensely aware of your thoughts and it trains your brain to recognize unhealthy thoughts as they arise and subsequently dismiss them. Meditation has also been shown to alleviate depression and anxiety.
2. Join a twelve step group
Twelve step groups are an integral part of many people’s recovery for a number of reasons, one of which is that interacting with other recovering addicts offers a chance to share experiences and put problems in perspective.
3. Journal
Writing down your thoughts and feelings can greatly diminish feelings of stress and anxiety. Many problems may seem much more manageable once they have been written down. Journaling also helps keep you aware of the reasons you may be feeling stress.
4. Exercise
Exercise is a highly effective activity for anyone experiencing feelings of stress. Exercise encourages production of endorphins, which naturally elevate mood and bring about a feeling of calm. Exercise is also a great way to feel more in touch with your body as you return to health.
5. Get a pet.
If you do not have a pet already, you may want to consider getting one. Animal companionship has been shown to reduce stress and help provide a general sense of happiness and elevated mood. Even if you cannot currently take on a pet because of your current living situation, you may be able to visit a local dog park or volunteer at a shelter.
6. Spend time with happy people.
In recovery, you separate yourself from the people and situations that are triggering you to use. As you rid yourself of unhealthy influences, you can begin to cultivate the relationships you have with happy people, which will put you in a more balanced mindset.
7. Be mindful of the things you have accomplished.
Recovery is a lifelong experience, and strides toward health are not always made at the pace that we would like them to move at. Rather than becoming discouraged by setbacks or what you view as endless obstacles ahead of you, try to stay focused on the things you have accomplished already.
Once a week, make a list of the things you did that week that were good for you and promoted your mental and physical health. You may even want to post this list somewhere you can see it often, like on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror.
By taking the time to manage your stress, you will have a much less bumpy and much more enjoyable road to health.
Cindy Nichols is an an addiction specialist and treatment advisor and specializes in alcohol intervention programs at Recovery Now.
Monday, 18 November 2013
How Ketogenic Diets Help Control Epilepsy
With few other treatment options available, some neurologists are turning to an old medical practice—dietary manipulation. While more commonly associated with a popular approach to weight loss, therapeutic ketogenic diets (those stimulating ketone production in the body) have also long been recognized as a method for controlling seizures in children with difficult-to-control epilepsy. First developed in the early 1900s, ketogenic diets were the standard treatment modality until antiseizure medications became widely available.
Ketogenic diets are intended to mimic starvation through dietary manipulation so that brain cells rely heavily on ketones instead of other energy-yielding substrates, such as glucose, for a source of energy. To deplete glycogen stores in the body, the child is first put on a 24-hour medically supervised fast, typically done
in the hospital. Without glucose to supply energy, the body turns to stored fat. Next, the child is fed a high-fat diet, providing approximately 80% of total calories from fat. In addition, carbohydrate-rich foods such as grains, fruits, and vegetables must be eliminated in order for the child to maintain a state of ketosis. Understandably,some parents have concerns about feeding their children a difficult and demanding diet consisting largely of high- fat foods such as eggs, cream, bacon, coconut oil, nuts, and cheese.
Doctors are not clear as to why a diet that mimics starvation helps prevent seizures in some children, although some theorize that forcing the brain to use ketones as an energy source makes areas of the brain more seizure-resistant. Nonetheless, the ketogenic diet has proved successful in some cases. Because it is such a dramatic change, however, this dietary plan must be implemented gradually. It also requires that parents work closely with a medical team that often includes a neurologist and a dietitian. Vitamin and mineral supplements are critical to ensure the child is adequately nourished. Because there is a potential that the diet can impair normal growth, the child’s height and weight are carefully monitored.Also, a very healthy option is to eat blueberries.
Ketogenesis, which occurs mostly in the liver, provides the body with an important source of energy during conditions of glucose insufficiency (such as starvation and diabetes). Only muscle, brain, and kidney tissue have the enzymes needed to metabolize ketones for energy. Nonetheless, ketones can spare the body from having to use amino acids to synthesize large amounts of glucose via gluconeogenesis. Although the use of ketones by the body has important survival implications, at times ketone production exceeds ketone use.
Clearly, maintaining a child on a ketogenic diet requires medical supervision. However, for the diet to be successful, it also takes parental involvement. Parents who use this approach to control seizures in their children recognize that it takes serious commitment and understanding to implement. It is not an easy diet plan to follow, but many parents feel that the benefits far outweigh the effort it takes to adhere to such a restrictive dietary plan.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
How To Get Up And Go This Autumn
In fact, the more we want to hibernate the stronger the desire to stay put takes hold and although we often need to get out for work or to go shopping the longer we can keep out of the house then the better it will be for energy, happiness and general levels of well-being.
Below are just a selection of tips to keep you happy and active this autumn and even if you're not feeling up for doing anything too strenuous then turning off the TV when you're indoors is always a great place to start on your road to get up and go.
Weekly routine
If you can make a few tweaks to your weekly routine to introduce some stretches or different things to do then all the better. Waking up a little earlier or visiting a museum, gallery or library every Wednesday after work are great habits to have and just because it's dark doesn't mean that the world has to stop. Find something new or just do something you enjoy, whatever it is, do it regularly and you'll have something to look forward to rather than another night in front of the box.
Stay in control
If you're aware of what you're doing and feel comfortable that you've got your work/life balance right then good for you however, for many, sometimes the autumn provides the perfect excuse to let things go. Keep abreast of what you're eating and when you're eating i.e. try to cut down on snacks in between meals and eating after 7pm. Don't let the pre-party season get out of hand and limit your booze intake to a sensible amount rather than simply letting yourself get dazed and confused in a socialising spiral of despair.
Start something new
A great way to keep energy levels high in the autumn is to start a new project or join a new club. Learning something new is ideal for keeping your mind fresh and active no matter what the time of year and no sooner than you're researching, reading or doing whatever it is you fancy then those leaves falling from the trees will be of no consequence. Language lessons, a new sport or just getting round to a bit of DIY – autumn is the season to do so get out there and do it.
Autumnal picnics
Just because the days are getting shorter and the temperature is starting to drop doesn't mean that we have to stay inside all day or lay in bed all morning. Set your alarm clock even at the weekend and pack a picnic for a good old walk in the country. Autumn picnics are an awesome way to wrap up warm, save money and get outdoors with home-made bread, soup and sandwiches always the perfect antidote to the winter blues.
Friends for dinner
These days going to the pub or out for a meal can be quite an expensive experience and come the autumn sometimes the last thing we want to do is trudge out on a cold evening searching for solace from the dark. Best advice is to get a few friends over for dinner and bring the social world to your door. Cooking, drinking and generally enjoying each other's company is simply what autumns are made for and if you invite a group to you then no doubt they'll reciprocate in the future.
Plan events
Getting excited is what the autumn should be all about and from Christmas and the New Year to planning a party for your best mate, often when we plan ahead we don't have the time to dwell and wallow when the clocks go back. If you're on your own then plan your singles holidays, if you're with the family then why not plan a few weekends away? Before you know it the autumn will be flying by so you may want to hold onto it while you still can.
Reward yourself
Let's face it: getting outdoors during the autumn can often be a bit of a chore so once you feel that you've done enough on an autumnal day then why not reward yourself with something delicious. Slow cookers are certainly a great way to enjoy a day outdoors and then return to the smells of wholesome home-cooked food and even if you're just looking forward to a bit of mulled wine and cheese at the end of a lengthy autumnal walk then why not, you deserve it.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Kim Kardashian's Baby Weight Loss
Kim Kardashian gave birth to her daughter a couple of months ago. The reality star gained about 50 pounds during her pregnancy. She said that she is determined to get rid of them. Kardashian has already lost 43 pounds and believes that she can lose the rest shortly. Other mothers who have given birth may want to follow Kardashian’s example as they try to lose weight.
Tips for Losing Weight after Pregnancy
The average woman gains between 20 to 40 pounds during pregnancy. Most women are eager to get back to their pre-pregnancy weights. Here are some tips that you may benefit from.
Avoid Dieting
Most women try dieting to help them lose the weight they gained during pregnancy. However, that may ironically ruin their weight loss efforts. Kardashian said that the Atkins diet has helped her, but she seems to be in the minority.
Melinda Johnson, a registered dietitian, said that most women lose weight more easily when they eat when they are hungry and try following a healthy diet. Make sure that you find a healthy diet that works for you.
Set Realistic Goals
You want to lose weight in a safe and sustainable manner. Kim Kardashian set pretty ambitious weight loss goals, but that doesn’t mean that her goals will work for you. You will need to understand your own body, schedule and limitations. You will also need to consider how busy you will be taking care of your baby.
You can be ambitious, but make sure that your goals are realistic so that you don’t get discouraged. You will be able to lose weight more easily if you stay positive.
Get Your Partner’s Support
Many people need to have positive influences and encouraging words to lose weight. Make sure that your partner understands that you want to lose weight. They will probably be more than happy to offer you the support that you need.
Stay Hydrated
Women who are trying to lose weight after pregnancy should try to stay as hydrated as possible. There are a number of ways that drinking plenty of water will help you lose weight. Water helps boost your metabolism and curb your appetite.
Many people believe they should drink 8 glasses of water every day. Many experts are still not sure whether that is necessary. Johnson and other experts suggest that you should base your hydration levels off the color of your urine. You are probably getting plenty of water if your urine is clear.
Stay Active
You will need to be more active to help shed your baby pounds. You don’t need to start training for a marathon. It is more important that you exercise consistently every week.
You can lose a lot of weight merely by going for a brisk walk a few times a week to start losing weight. According to James M. Pivarnik, a professor of kinesiology, you should try to get at least two and a half hours of exercise every week. This is one of the most important things you can do to lose weight more effectively.
Kalen writes tips about safe and healthy weight loss tips. He believes people should work with responsible professionals such as these.Wednesday, 13 November 2013
OxyElite Recalled
The action follows two FDA warnings to the Dallas-based manufacturer of the supplements, USPlabs LLC. The first, in October, stated that the supplements are considered adulterated because they contain a substance called aegeline, which “lacks a history of use or other evidence of safety.” The agency called for the company to immediately cease distribution of the products.
“We took this step to ensure that adulterated and harmful products do not reach the American public,” said Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine Michael R. Taylor in the news release. “We will continue to work with our state, industry and regulatory partners to prevent such products from reaching the public.”
Last week, FDA notified the company of a link between the supplements and cases of liver disease. The Hawaii Department of Health submitted medical records of 46 patients with liver illnesses to the FDA and more than half — 27 patients — had taken OxyElite Pro supplements. Of these patients, one died, one required a liver transplant, and others are awaiting transplants.
As of Oct. 31, a total of 56 cases have been identified nationwide. Among these cases, 22 people have been hospitalized, two people have received liver transplants, and one person has died, according to the FDA.
Products included in the recall are the OxyElite Pro Super Thermo capsules, OxyElite Pro Ultra-Intense Thermo capsules and OxyElite Pro Super Thermo Powder. You can see a full list of product numbers here.
The FDA continues to advise consumers not to use any products labeled OxyElite Pro, or VERSA- 1, another USPlabs product that contains aegeline.
If you think you’ve become ill from taking a supplement, contact your doctor. Health care providers can contact the FDA’s MedWatch program online or by calling 1-800-332-1088.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Wedding Preparation: Is It Stressful?
Sometimes preparation for this wedding celebration can be a stressful one because you will plan it one by one, from venue, visitors, food to eat or who will be the best man and brides made to your wedding. In order to avoid stress, I think proper preparation is important.
For me to plan a wedding celebration twelve months before the wedding is good. If you prepare a wedding near the date that you pick, you will run out of time of picking venue, food, wedding dress etc. It is important that the time is long enough for you to prepare for your big event.
These are some of the task that I think you should take down in order to do the celebration:
1. Establish a wedding Budget.
2. Take down a visitors list.
3. Pick a Venue or church
4. Choosing the right wedding dress for groom, bride, bridesmade, bestman, etc.
5. Wedding Accessories
6. List the right food to eat
7. Invitations
8. Select the best photographer
9. Choose a date for the wedding rehearsal
10. Wedding Cake
11. Souvenir Items
12. Honeymoon Venue
13. Makeup Artist
Preparation for wedding is easy but can be stressful one. Sometimes we make stress not just because of the time but also in budget. For me it’s not about how expensive your wedding, the most important is you do prefer well your wedding celebration.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Technique For Removal of Acoustic Neuromas Tumors
There are several new and older technologies that allow patients to receive treatment and be discharged in as little as 48 hours. The most common procedures and approaches include: Endoscopic endonasal approach, endoscopic approach, translabyrinthine approach and gamma knife. Each approach will be discussed in brief.
Endoscopic Endonasal Approach
The Endoscopic Endonasal Approach (EEA) removes tumors and lesions by entering the nasal passages. The approach involves a team of neurosurgeons, ophthalmic surgeons, otolaryngologists and spine surgeons to successfully complete the surgery. This minimally invasive technique uses the endoscope to illuminate the tumor and leading edge instruments for dissection and tumor removal. This method is preferred because patients experience no facial incisions, fewer side effects, less trauma to brain and critical nerves and shorter recovery times.
Endoscopic Approach
This minimally invasive approach involves drilling a hole this size of a dime in the mastoid bone of the skull. The endoscopic approach may be combined with a small tube called the Neuroendoport to guide the endoscope to the tumor. The two devices together allow surgeons to capture excellent images of the tumor thanks to the powerful endoscope light source. The tumor can be removed, and the patient can return home in 48 hours. Faster recovery times are possible because the brain is not pushed, retracted or manipulated.
Endoscopic approach is effective because it provides accurate information about the location of the tumor relevant to adjacent structures. When surgeons accurately identify the facial and cochlear nerves, complete tumor removal is possible. The technique has not been proven to preserve hearing any more than any other procedure, but it is one the most effective methods for removing tumors completely.
In one study, 82 percent of the patients with some hearing prior to the surgery maintained the same level of hearing or better after the surgery. One hundred percent of the patients maintained facial nerve function with no paralysis.
Translabyrinthe Approach
The translabyrinthe approach is effective on large tumors. The method is often combined with retrosigmoid subtemporal craniotomy to avoid damage to healthy tissue and to the facial nerve. A hole is drilled through the mastoid and labyrinth or inner ear. The tumor can be removed once access to the posterior fossa is gained.
Gamma Knife
Gamma knife is used when patients are resistant to surgery. The treatment is also the first option when the tumor is not causing “mass effect.” When tumors are small, this method is more likely to preserve hearing. This form of treatment radiates the tumor and obliterates the mass.
Ask Your Neurologist About the Latest Techniques
Though these are not the only techniques used for acoustic neuroma tumors, the techniques are some of the most innovative and effective. Patients considering acoustic neuroma surgery should contact their physician or surgeons to determine the best technique.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Allergies and Asthma: Must Know Facts
Instead of the usual small talk and other banter you hear at normal social events, you are bound to hear a healthy amount of “Gesundheit”s and “bless you”s, or maybe even a “salud” or two. And even if your doctor prescribes medicine to eliminate your symptoms, it still doesn't eliminate the fact that your home could be filled with allergens.
Drying Out Seasonal Allergens
Removing mold from your home will go a long way towards reducing allergy symptoms. Although it’s not always possible to remove allergens from your home, mold is easier to avoid than most would think. Because of the moisture in your bathroom from people taking showers or baths and the fact that a toilet filled with water is in the room all the time, consider some kind of exhaust fan or other ventilation.
Basements are notorious for leaks, especially in the spring when melting snows and extra rainfall saturates the ground. In addition to sealing up cracks and using non-carpeted floor coverings like ceramic tile, cork, or linoleum, place a dehumidifier in the basement to help dry up the moisture. An air purifier is also a great idea because it pulls pollen, pet dander, and dust, and other particles from the air.
Turning Allergy Season into Neat Freak Season
If you’re obsessive about cleaning then you are your family’s best asset during seasonal allergy season. If you can’t remove the carpeting inside your home – for example, if your home is a rental – then consider investing in a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filtration. The importance of HEPA filtration is that it’s designed to capture some of the most minuscule particles that cause some of the worst allergy symptoms. Here are some other cleaning tips to consider for eliminating allergens from your home.
Wash bedding linens. Yes, you already do this but now you need to wash them a bit more frequently. And regardless of how nice your sheets smell after hanging on a clothesline and drying from the sun’s warmth, it’s not really worth the amount of pollen you bring into your home and subsequently breathe in while you sleep.
Clean furniture. In addition to dusting down wood furniture with furniture polish, vacuum upholstered furniture. If necessary, send cushion covers out to be dry cleaned. It’s a huge step towards removing mildew, dust, pollen, and pet dander from your home.
Eliminate curtains. Just stick with mini-blinds or some other type of shade-style window treatment. When cleaning windows, don’t forget to wipe dust from the sills.
Speaking of windows, it’s necessary to keep them closed as much as possible from just before midnight to just after lunch. That’s because most pollen product begins just before dawn – before many of us are even awake – and doesn't end until mid-morning. Saving open windows for sunny afternoons and brisk evenings will help cut down on the amount of pollen that enters your home, but keeping them closed altogether is even better. It could even save on the amount of hay fever treatments you’re subject to during the season.
Stay Hydrated but Not Humid
One of the best tips for fighting off allergy and asthma symptoms, and even the first signs of sinusitis or a cold, is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. If you must drink something flavored, drink juice or something else that’s loaded with vitamins – especially vitamin C. Stay away from soda, coffee, and anything else that’s bogged down with empty calories and caffeine.
One time an acquaintance gave my family some terrible advice. They suggested we use a humidifier at night, claiming that we’d wake up breathing free and clear of any allergy and asthma symptoms. It was the worst advice ever! Not only did we wake up in worse health requiring the entire family to visit the doctor’s office, but we also had the added problem that the humidifier encouraged mold growth underneath the carpet in our hallway. We've since replaced that carpeting with hardwood laminate flooring, but it was a real nightmare.
Screening Your Home for Allergies
If all else fails, considering hiring an environmental solutions company to screen your home for allergens. Once they let you know which allergens have invaded your home you will better know how to remove them. Pollen isn't the only culprit. Pets bring in fleas during the warmer months. Did you know people can be allergic to fleas? Thanks to a stray kitten that showed up on our doorstep and was too cute not to bring in the house, my family now knows all about flea allergy dermatitis. The itching and rash we attributed to pollen or perhaps the cat itself was really a reaction to the fleas. You will want to start by eliminating dust mites which can also cause a lot of problems.
If you suspect that you suffer from some kind of a seasonal allergy, then it’s best to consult your family physician. In addition to giving you a correct diagnosis, your doctor has your complete medical history and knows what medicines to diagnose to fix the problem. This is important because some over-the-counter products conflict with conditions such as heart and thyroid problems, diabetes, or with other medications you’re taking.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Sensitive Teeth - Causes and Remedies
So what is the condition of sensitive teeth?
First of all, this is not a condition that affects only children. Many grownups face this condition at different stages in their life. It is not necessary however that everybody should come across this problem either.
Essentially, the condition is caused due to any hot, cold food or drink and even air hitting the exposed dentine of your teeth. This is that part which is well protected by enamel but over time and sometimes even when you are a kid, this part becomes exposed due to using an abrasive toothpaste and due to faulty brushing habits.
The tooth structure is such that the enamel coating is pretty thin near the gum line. Dentine consists of many tubules that connect to the nerves that traverse the inside of the teeth. When dentine becomes exposed at the gum line, the nerves are stimulated, leading to that feeling of pain and sensitiveness.
Other causes for sensitive teeth
Accumulation of bacteria and the resultant production of acids may also cause the dentine to become exposed. Problems like gum recession, any disease of the gums, the habit of grinding the teeth when sleeping (also referred to as bruxism) are other pertinent factors that can cause sensitive teeth. At times, an improperly conducted teeth whitening process can also lead to sensitive teeth.
What can you do about it, or what is the remedy for sensitive teeth?
The first thing to do is to avoid anything abrasive. Go for a soft toothbrush and avoid mouth washes that have alcohol in them. Follow a different technique of tooth brushing. Sensitive teeth can also be tackled through special desensitizing toothpastes. These work by ensuring that the nerves that are connected to the tubules of the dentine do not get stimulated and therefore the shooting pain associated with such stimulation is totally nullified. People using such toothpastes have been able to consume hot and cold food comfortably within a couple of days of usage. These pastes are best used by applying them with your fingers rather than with the toothbrush. You need to apply them on the sore spots and you can keep using them till you get the desired level of comfort.
Use fluoride mouthwashes
Another way of dealing with sensitive teeth is to make use of high fluoride mouthwashes. Swishing the mouthwash such that it enters all possible areas within your mouth will ensure that the fluoride can act on the exposed dentine. Use these mouthwashes after brushing and especially before going to bed so that the total benefits can be derived out of the mouthwash. Do not rinse after using the mouthwash.
The problem of bruxism can be tackled through the use of a custom made mouth guard to be worn during night time. This will stop you from grinding your teeth in your sleep.
If you fell some pain when you eat hot and cold food, you are probably suffering of sensitive teeth. There are habits and treatments for this condition that will help you to minimize the painful feeling.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Women Stare At Cleavage For As Long As Men
Because, on the contrary to what society would have us believe, it isn't just men who are unable to resist oogling at the nearest cleavage.
According to a recent study, women are just as guilty of the "objectifying gaze" as men - only we seem to get away with it. Psychologists Sarah Gervais and Michael Dodd employed eye-tracking technology to intricately map the visual behaviour of both men and women as they viewed images of 10 different females with different body types.
When asked to focus on a woman's appearance, study participants - regardless of gender - tended to move their eyes to and then dwelled on a woman's breasts and other sexualised body parts.
Although male and female patterns were largely similar, male participants regarded curvy women more positively than women with fewer curves, whereas female participants viewed these women similarly.
The researchers fitted 65 university students with an eye-tracking device, asking them to look at 30 photographs of 10 women and rate either the appearance or personality of the woman in each picture. Each original image was manipulated to enhance or decrease the woman's sexualised body parts in an attempt to determine whether specific body types were more or less likely to be objectified.
Though the results were consistent with anecdotal expectations of gaze behaviour, Gervais said she was surprised with some of the findings, especially how strongly women's visual patterns suggest they objectify other women.
"We do have a slightly different pattern for men than women, but when we looked at their overall dwell times – how long they focused on each body part – we find the exact same effects for both groups," Gervais said in a statement. "Women, we think, do it often for social comparison purposes."
Whereas men were fast to fixate on both the bodies and faces of female targets, women in some circumstances were more likely to focus quickly on faces.
Another key finding related to the role of body shape. Even when study instructions encouraged the participants to focus on the personality of the female target – a manipulation that would seem likely to lead to additional focus on the images' faces – women with hourglass figures were perceived more positively than women with straighter figures by male participants, the researchers found.
Objectifying gazes, of course, can have negative consequences: Prior research shows that when women are objectified, they are perceived to be less friendly, not as intelligent or competent or less moral.
"It can undermine (women's) work performance. It can cause them to self-silence and it's related to increased perceptions of sexual harassment," Gervais said. "If you think about all of the negative consequences, figuring out what's triggering all of those consequences, that's the first step toward stopping it from happening."
Dodd said the study's use of both personality- and appearance-focused groups shows that the behaviour can be changed with self-awareness.
"By characterizing the manner in which people fixate on the body when engaging in objectifying behaviour, it also becomes possible to determine methods of reducing this behaviour. That's what the personality manipulation part of the study did – that's a huge positive," Dodd said. "It's not as though looking at the body of someone has to be, or is, a default behaviour. It just may be the case that cognitive control is required to engage in more appropriate, and less damaging, visual behaviour."
The study was published in the academic journal Sex Roles and researchers, who come from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said could provide the first steps toward addressing objectifying gazes and limiting their effects on women.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Top Myths about Laser Hair Removal
Prices for these hair removal treatments vary depending on the body part treated, and four to five cycles are generally needed to acquire the best results. Before pursuing these procedures, individuals should become informed on some of the top unwarranted myths about them. Each of those myths is explained in detail below.
The Top Unwarranted Myths about Laser Hair Removal Treatments
Myth: These types of hair removal treatments are not safe.Truth: In fact, these treatments are approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration to provide people with a safe and effective means of hair removal.
Myth: Only one treatment is needed to acquire permanent hair removal results.
Truth: Depending on an individual’s hair volume and texture, he/she will usually have to undergo four to six treatments to acquire permanent and/or long-term hair removal.
Myth: These types of hair removal treatments permanently damage people’s skin.
Truth: While some common side effects of these treatments include redness,Tenderness, and hypersensitivity to the sun, they are usually only temporary and Not permanent.
Myth: Individuals must shave between treatments.
Truth: Shaving between treatments is unnecessary. Individuals are usually advised against shaving between treatments.
Myth: All types of these hair removal treatments work well for individuals of all skin types.
Truth: There are certain types of lasers that work best for hair removal with each skin type.
Myth: These types of hair removal treatments require the use of messy gels.
Truth: Lasers are the only instruments that are used. Gels and similar products are not used for these treatments.
Myth: Individuals experience a lot of pain when they undergo these types of hair removal treatments.
Truth: These types of hair removal treatments are essentially painless. Usually, individuals only experience a slight, tingling sensation over the area being treated.
Myth: The same lasers are used for every type of hair removal treatment.
Truth: The lasers that are used for hair removal treatments come in different sizes, strengths, and settings.
While there may be many misconceptions about laser hair removal treatments, they are not justified or proven by any verifiable means. From unwanted facial hair to unsightly chest hair, there are many reasons why individuals of all races and ethnicities pursue the use of lasers for the safe and effective removal of their hair.
As one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed today, these types of hair removal treatments can also provide people with outstanding, long-term results. Consequently, there are many outstanding spas, salons, and beauty shops around the World that are licensed to provide people with exceptional services in this area.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Raspberry Ketone Blast Reviewed
What is Raspberry Ketone Blast?
Raspberry Ketone Blast is specially designed for women who want to flush out body Fat without putting too much effort. Product claims to be clinically proven to help you lose weight safe and fast.
About Manufacturer
Finally I find the manufacturer of Raspberry Ketone Blast. Omni Herbals is company who manufactured this product. However I can’t find detailed information about the Omni Herbals.
Raspberry Ketone Blast ingredients
Below listed ingredients are few of those uses in the formulation of this weight loss supplement.
- Garcinia Cambogia (might prevent fat storage)
- African Mango (high-soluble fiber content of Irvingia gabonensis seed which can trim waistlines and melt away belly fat)
- Pure Green Coffee (may help you to lose uncertain weight loss over a period of 12 weeks)
- Acai Berry (one of the leading super foods with weight loss and anti-aging properties)
- Bilberry (enhance the visual capabilities, helps it fight effectively against digestive problems, gastronomical problems and macular degeneration)
- Green Tea (green tea substances known as catechins trigger weight loss by encouraging the body to decreasing body fat and burn calories)
- Raspberry Ketone (marketed as a weight loss compound)
With the combination of raspberry ketones and Acai Berry, product claim to be best weight loss supplement in market today which help to burn fat and keep weight off.
What are the benefits?
Below you will find the list of benefits claimed by product.
• Firmer Bump
• Tighter Abs
• Thinner Legs
• Flush out deposited body Fat
• Excludes Hungers
• Enhances Results with the help of exercise and diet
Raspberry Ketone Blast Cost
You can buy Raspberry Ketone Blast from the manufacturer official website and you will have to pay $54.95 for a one month supply.
Raspberry Ketone Blast Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are the best way to know in-depth about product results. Below you will find some customer reviews mentioned on official site:
- Kim S. said good thing about product claiming good results with this product.
- Terre W. said that she lost good amount of weight and still feel good energy.
Till date there are no side effects reported by any user but being on safer side it’s good to concern your health expert before taking this supplement.
People who are on other medication, needs to be concern there physician before taking this. Pregnant and breastfeeding women stay away from this supplement.
Some Facts about Raspberry ketone
Though Raspberry ketone is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries but manufacturers add Raspberry ketone chemical compound to their products for their fruity fragrance. Few manufacturer claim that human body needs 100 milligrams Raspberry ketone per day to lose weight but no studies have yet been done on human.
It’s hard for me to find any strong evidence claiming raspberry ketone give significant weight loss. So it’s good to go through all good and bad about this product before purchasing it.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Exercise and Weight Loss: Can Exercise Work As Trump Card in Weight Loss?
Exercise improves your blood circulation and metabolism also. This in turn works for proper functioning of body. Exercising makes you perspire and burn the extra, unnecessary fat, thereby making your skin glow. As far as the muscles are concerned, Exercising makes them gain strength and give them a toning effect, making them flexible and strong. Lastly exercising kicks of depressing health issues and prevents them from taking place further.
The best form of exercise will have Cardio and toning both allowing you to have fast results. Let’s have a look at some good exercise that work in both the ways:
The best exercise to burn calories. Riding outdoors is any day enjoyable and makes you burn more fat as compared to the one fixed in your gym. It’s easy and very much effective and makes you burn 600 calories easily.
This is a favorite of many people it is a top weight loss exercise, specially meant for summers. Doing laps up and down in the pool for an hour or so helps you burn around 800 calories, giving the very much required toning effect to your body. Use a Jacuzzi for an hour makes you stay motivated even after you have finished.
Who doesn't love dancing on those wonderful beats? With the sound of those beats your foot starts moving. Be it a person who has a left leg in dancing of be it a pro in dancing everyone can lose weight with such and exercise. It targets your entire body plus is a form of cardio exercise also. It brings a fun element to your weight loss and makes your body and mind happy and glowing. Along with weight loss dancing is the best stress relieving exercise.
Kick Boxing:
Kick Boxing is the best form of self-defense, a must learn form and is the best weight loss exercise. It strengths your ankle and leg muscles there by giving them strength. Kick boxing can make you burn fat equal to all the above.
Yoga helps you with stretching which is good for your mind, body and soul. With this it is an effective exercise for weight loss. It makes your body toned, flexible and even reduces back pain. It helps you to burn about 180 calories per hour.
Here you are with 5 enjoyable and fun to do exercises for weight loss, that not only help to burn fat but make you release out all your stress and have fun while working out.