Friday, 29 January 2016

Is Hormone Therapy Treatment Safe for Menopause?

The question of whether hormone therapy treatment is safe or not for menopause didn’t seem to be a bother for many women, until researchers in the Women’s Health Initiative in 2002 associated this treatment with increased risks of diseases like heart attack, stroke and breast cancer, among others. Out of fear, the announcement saw millions of women do away with their hormones, drastically affecting its prescription and consumption. 2 years later, Women’s Health Institute would further establish that women making use of estrogen alone were not at high risk of developing heart attacks and breast cancer, save for blood clots and strokes.

To help in answering whether it’s still safe or not to use, we will briefly review what HRT is, and then the benefits and the risk factors.

Understanding HRT

When a woman gets to menopause (widely ranging from 30s to 50s), her body reduces the production of female hormones, known as estrogen and progesterone. With this development, her ovaries can no longer produce eggs, her monthly periods stop, and she can no longer become expectant. This change in the female life comes with a lot of short term and long term symptoms, including moodiness, irritability, sleep disturbance, hot flushes, sweating, vaginal pains and dryness, among others.

Administration of HRT

To relieve menopause symptoms, doctors prescribe HRT, which works by replacing either or both the depleted estrogen and progesterone. HRT is taken in various forms: in form of tablets, as implants (appropriate places as guided by the doctor), or by rubbing it into the skin as a gel or spray. Creams or vaginal rings can be administered for women dealing with vaginal dryness.

Types of Hormone Therapies

There are two major types of hormones therapies. Estrogen Therapy is where estrogen is taken alone, and is usually taken in low doses on a daily basis, for the purposes of relieving symptoms of menopause and for the prevention of osteoporosis, and is largely recommended for women who have undergone hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). The second one is generally referred to as a combination therapy, because ideally it is a combination of doses from estrogen and progesterone. Others may call it Estrogen Progesterone or Progestin Hormone Therapy.

The Do's and Don’ts of Hormone Therapy Treatment

Hormone therapy remains the most efficient and successful menopause treatments for hot flashes and vaginal dryness.  Vaginal estrogen should be the preferred treatment for women whose only issue is uncomfortable sexual intercourse because of vaginal dryness. Estrogen pills, cream, gel or spray remain the most reliable treatment for both night sweats and hot flashes, in addition to symptoms like itching and painful intercourse. You should therefore not suffer in silence with “internal global warming”, given the effectiveness of
HRT in fighting hot flashes.

It should be noted that unless advised otherwise by your doctor, HRT is a lot safer for women in their late 40s and early 50s. Younger women experiencing the early stages of menopause and undergoing hormone therapy have very low risks of contracting cancers, strokes and blood clots, compared to their counterparts in their 60s and 70s. Other benefits of taking HRT include reduced loss of teeth, decreased chances of suffering bone breakage and developing osteoporosis, and average improvement for pains in the joints. For peri-menopausal or menopausal women, use of hormones may be very safe for the control of irregular bleeding. Further, WHI agrees that hormones can significantly reduce the chances of women suffering from colon cancer and osteoporosis.

It’s imperative to point out that you cannot be safe using hormone replacement therapy in the prevention of chronic diseases, especially because there are increased risks of cancer and cardiovascular risks for women in postmenopausal stage. More particularly, for some older women the risks include gall bladder disease, blood clots, strokes and heart attack, breast cancer, and cancer of the uterine lining for women with a uterus. Even so, these risks are subject to many other factors like family history, the state of health for individual women, and the amount of estrogen or progesterone dosage, and whether the hormones are combined or not.

Hormones should only be introduced to older women (those who have not had periods for more than 10 years) in this category for very particular functioning, and under close supervision to avert more crises. It should however be noted that there are many women (young and old) who get breast cancer even when they are not on hormone therapy.

Every woman considering use of hormones should remember hormones are not a permanent medication, just like all other medications. Close consultations with a gynecologist or family doctor would help assess individual health situation and related risk factors for the development of a personalized formula.

A major disadvantage of the Women’s Health Initiative findings of 2002 is that majority of the women in the study were older women in their mid-60s. Those below the age of 60 were no more than 10%, who indeed had fewer risks and more benefits from hormone therapies.


Wednesday, 27 January 2016

5 Vitamins to Eliminate Wrinkle

They say that age is nothing but a number. However, if we can literally count the years on your face through the wrinkles, you will definitely feel the weight of having plastered the number on your face. Wrinkles are the folds that develop on the skin as one ages. They are part of the natural aging process. As one ages, the skin's ability to produce elastin and collagen decreases. These two are important for maintaining the tightness and keeping away the wrinkles from the skin. Even though we cannot stop time, there are ways we can help the skin to slow down the formation of wrinkles. One of those ways is using the magic that is found in vitamins. Some vitamins are known to slow down the formation of wrinkles as discussed below:

1. Vitamin A

This is a very important vitamin for the skin. It helps to protect the body from harm by the oxidation of free radicals through its antioxidant properties. Topical solutions of the vitamin reduce the effects of sun damage and aging to the skin. It does this by acting as an exfoliator that reduces the fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, research conducted by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) shows that tretinion, a vitamin A topical solution, is the only prescription drug that repairs the skin from sun damage and reduces fines lines and large wrinkles. Stabilized over-the-counter topical solutions containing retinol can also have the same effect without too many side effects. Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A. Apart from topical applications, retinol is also found in liver, eggs, fatty fish or in supplements.

2. Vitamin C

This is another vitamin with antioxidant properties. It protects the skin from the free radicals that originate from digestion and exposure to pollution, cigarette smoke or radiation. In addition to that, it helps the body to produce other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Vitamin C also boosts the production of collagen which helps in giving the skin a firm and a youthful look. Topical applications of vitamin C also help to prevent sun damage to the skin. It also helps in relief from inflammatory skin conditions. Researchers state that of the vitamin Cs, the L-ascorbic acid is the best for preventing and offering relief from wrinkles. Sources of vitamin C include fruits and vegetables.

3. Vitamin E

Some call this vitamin "the protector". This is due to its ability to fight free radicals and protect the skin from damage by the sun's UVB rays. It also repairs dry, cracked skin when it is put on as a cream. Vitamin E is available from green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils such as canola, corn and soya beans.

4. Niacin

This is a vitamin that assists to keep you looking young and healthy both from the outside and from the inside. It is one of the B vitamins. It helps to keep the skin moist and supple by increasing its moisture retaining properties. Moist skin is an effective barrier against the ingress of antigens, bacteria and viruses hence warding off infections. The vitamin also helps in the regeneration of the skin by acting as an exfoliator. It sloughs off the dead skin cells as the new cells move to the surface. From the inside, niacin increases the level of good cholesterol while reducing the levels of triglycerides. This thus helps in preventing cholesterol-related problems in the body such as atherosclerosis. Sources of niacin include meat, eggs, poultry, nuts, fish and enriched breads among others.

5. Vitamin K

Dark circles around the eyes may not exactly be wrinkles but sometimes they look like rings of wrinkles around the windows of the soul. Thankfully, vitamin K is the solution for this menace. The dark circles are caused by many factors, one of the common ones being the pooling and clotting of blood around the eyes. The pooling and clotting is caused by capillaries that leak around the eyes. Vitamin K helps by constricting the capillaries and breaking up the clots. Dietary sources of vitamin K are kales, lettuce, spinach, none hydrogenated vegetable oils and broccoli. The body also produces the vitamin in small amounts.


Vitamins are very important in our bodies especially for the skin. Fighting the free radicals, which prevents the skin from untold harm, is a job thankfully done by almost all vitamins. The vitamins also all have their special functions that are important for keeping the skin young and supple. Research shows that vitamin A specifically deals with wrinkles by getting rid of them or preventing them either in its natural form or in topical applications. Vitamin K deals with the dark circles while vitamin E protects the skin from UVB rays among other numerous functions. All these are important in keeping the skin youthful and beautiful. Therefore, when you see that wrinkle cream review, confirm if they talked about any of these vitamins being part of the ingredients.


Thursday, 21 January 2016

Clearing the Fog with Provasil

You are at a friend's party when someone comes up to you and starts a conversation. You are very sure you have met before; you even recall her telling you about her pet Dalmatian. But why in tarnation can't you remember her name? Or picture yourself in front of an audience speaking about a topic of which you are an expert. All of a sudden you stop, groping for a word at the tip of your tongue. After a few seconds, you give up and use another word. Your audience does not seem to mind, but this hiccup keeps nagging at you, telling you something is wrong. While everyone finds themselves in a similar situation one time or another, the fact still does not make it less frustrating or embarrassing.

Memory blips, often called senior moments, can happen to anyone at any time. However, it can be quite concerning when they begin happening frequently, especially because they can - and do - strike without warning. If this happens, do yourself a favor and visit your doctor so he can properly diagnose your condition and give you the proper treatment.

Tips for Lifting Brain Fog

ProvasilIf the doctor finds nothing wrong with your brain and dismisses your memory slips as brain fog, then here are some tips you can follow to strengthen your memory and improve your recall:

1. Use associations. Also known as mnemonic devices, associations help in better thought and information recall. If you have a difficulty remembering the names of acquaintances, pair them with things, places or events that are easy to remember. You may want to associate Tom and his chinky eyes with the cat from the cartoon Tom and Jerry. The pairing might not make sense to other people, but they should have meaning for you so you could easily remember.

2. Pay closer attention. Sometimes you fail to recall the information you need because you were not paying full attention. This is especially true today, when there is information overload from different channels. Raise your awareness about what is happening around you by paying more attention and being actively involved in these gongs-on. Doing so will help you retain the information that you can use at a later time.

3. Keep your brain healthy. For the brain to function optimally, it needs complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. Keeping it healthy also means avoiding stress and alcohol and substance abuse. You can promote your brain's health even further by taking supplements like Omega-3, Vitamin B12, folic acid and Biotin, compounds that you can found in Provasil.

Best Brain Supplement

Provasil contains 15 tried and tested compounds that are scientifically formulated to address brain fog. All these ingredients work together to help you address the following conditions:
  • Mental fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor recall
  • Inattention
  • Poor motivation
  • Distractibility

By taking Provasil, you can gradually rise from the haziness that you constantly find yourself in and see a big difference in your mental performance. Clear your foggy brain with Provasil and see how a clear and optimally functioning brain will do wonders for your personal and professional life.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Does Tequila Really Help to Loose Weight?

Although Tequila may not necessarily contained all the nutrients, the sugars contained therein are believed to have an impact on weight loss. The discovery brings about some kind of relief to people with diabetes and obesity.

A research conducted on Tequila indicates that the sugar elements in it have the ability to reduce levels of glucose in blood especially in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. In people with obesity, these sugars can aid in weight loss

What then could the wonder sugar be? Yes, this is indeed a wonder. Agavin, a certain type of natural sugar obtained from the plant agave, is a raw material for making the Tequila drink. What is more surprising about these sugars is that they aren’t similar to those used to make agave syrup. Besides, they are not digestible, a thing that makes them unable to increase blood sugar levels, researchers in Mexico have revealed

In order to authenticate the findings, a team of scientific researchers fed mice on a normal diet but mixed agavins with water and this too was given to the mice. Results indicated that mice that fed on agavins exhibited suppressed appetite and their blood contained decreased glucose levels. As compared to other artificially obtained sweeteners including agave syrup and aspartame, the effects of agavin were tremendous.

More so, a group of mice that fed on agavins emitted GLP-1, a hormone associated with keeping the stomach full for a long time as well insulin. Production of the latter clearly points out to the significance agavins could bear on people with trouble losing weight and those battling with diabetes.

As a result, agavins may prove to be very helpful to people with obesity and diabetes. The study authors are quick to register their optimism that agavins could offer the much-needed solution to weight loss and diabetes. Although agavins are regarded as sugars, they are actually fructans which refers to long chain of fructoses that can be absorbed and digested by the human body.

Unlike glucose and sucrose – which are absorbed and broken down in the blood stream - agavins remain intact. Further finding have revealed that consuming agavins can help to maintain a balance of glucose in blood. The fact that they are fibre in nature, it is possible that consuming agavins may result into a decreased appetite thereby making you feel satiated for a longer period of time.

Although the results are promising, the research was conducted on mice meaning that it is not yet ready for human use. However, looking at the preliminary results, there is no doubt this everything is moving on well. Besides, it offers the reason why many people are likely to turn to Tequila just to have a taste of what is in the offing. Thanks to these great tips for weight loss!

The most confusing thing is that agave and agavins are obtained from a similar plant. Although agave syrup is produced by simply boiling agavins, the former does not offer any health benefits to the body. But to the surprise of many, people with diabetes are deceived into buying agave syrup. Alison Evert, R.D, a co-author of the 2013 statement on diabetic nutrition recommendations warns that consuming agave syrup can lead to weight gain and aggravated symptoms. It is important to note that while agavins are fructans, agave syrup contains high levels of fructose just like the corn syrup.

Perhaps the reason why people should shun using agave syrup lies in the fact that when it is consumed, the high fructose contents are retained in the liver thereby exposing you to the risk of developing belly fat. According to a research published in the American Medical Association Journal in 2013, there are chances that fructose increases hunger pangs which may lead to overeating.

That aside, Lopez has reaffirmed that agavins is likely to hit the hit the market very soon. However, before then it would be better if you stuck to your natural honey and maple syrup as better food sweetener options. In this case, if you are suffering from diabetes, then keeping of sweets and eating diets that are rich in nutrients such as whole grains, lean meat, fruits and vegetables daily will help you to manage your condition. This is a recommendation by the American Diabetes Association.

In summary, keeping to the right diets will increase your chances of losing weight fast. What is more important is for anyone thinking of losing weight to seek weight loss help from a qualified health practitioner. Although many people tend to ignore this advice, there is need for everyone to take precautions especially when it comes to choosing natural weight loss supplements. Currently, the market has been flooded with different types of diet supplements some of which are not scientifically tested and approved. Keep a distance and you will not regret!


Friday, 15 January 2016

Progesteril Users Get Their Questions Answers

1. It is good and advisable to take soy for menopause hot flashes? How much it is recommended? It is harmful to the body? We must rest seasonally or you can take then?

Soy is great. Chinese women have taken it since time immemorial and interestingly they do not have a word for hot flashes. We take soy, because it has a high percentage of protein, has phytoestrogens, decreases the amount of calcium lost, which also comes in handy for osteoporosis. In addition, it is also good for memory and mood. What I advise you is to find a product that besides giving you the soy ingredients it has something to deal with other symptoms of menopause. A good example of such a product is progesteril. Progesteril menopause cream is all natural and judging from the many progesteril reviews, the product is also affordable.

2. Is there a relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and premature menopause?

Yes there is a direct relationship. It is very common, most women have little thyroid failure within the physiological resolves with the hormonal adjustment. In cases of early menopause you will not be forced to supplement with hormone replacement therapy.

3. Are there are differences in relation to serious side effects, from HRT administered both orally and by other means? What is the maximum time that you would recommend to take them?

It is best to take the estrogen in patch form, together with progesterone. Progesterone is always oral. To take care of the symptoms of menopause it will be three years with the therapy, if it is an early menopause or if you can have your ovaries removed, the time varies, depending on age and other factors.

4. If menopause is a normal stage of the physiology of women would it not be better to not take any medication?

I agree. The first thing is to get used to the stage and adjust your exercise and diet. But sometimes it is not enough, so we need help with supplements, some Chinese herbs, homeopathy ... And in other cases, administered therapies. Delivery is also natural and some women require cesarean sections. Blessed be the cesarean. Each case is different. If you do not need drugs, perfect.

5. How can you recognize a first stage of early menopause? What are the symptoms? Can it be early menopause related to endometriosis?

It is not related to endometriosis. If you have not had your periods for one year, you might be experiencing menopause. The gynaecologist is the one to tell you.

6. I am Mary and I am 53 years and I experience many hot flashes. How long does it take to disappear completely? What I can do to overcome them? .Thanks
Theoretically it will take two years for them to disappear. Take care of your diet and exercise, to see how it goes.

7. What causes late or early menopauses?

There are many factors. One is genetics. Another is, according to the Chinese, if there has been a significant energy loss and the context of women, have had many children, prolonged lactation, stress etc... Another important one is thyroid failure, which sometimes is familiar.

8. Good afternoon, what preventive measures - in general can be taken duringmenopause

It is a change that youcannot escape, but that does not mean it must be bad. You will emerge stronger. You have resources to cope with change, such as diet, exercise, introspection techniques, non-conventional medicine and, above all, practice the joy of living, meet and participate in peer groups that share the same experience and enjoy. You have already raised children, now you have to enjoy, travel, sign up for courses you had outstanding ... now is the time. With these resources faces this time, knowing that the discomforts are not forever, but only last a season.

9. If menopause occurs abnormally soon, are there methods to delay it?

If menopause has arrived and it is premature, you may need to do hormone replacement therapy, there is no other way out. If you do not take hrt, osteoporosis can occur very soon. And keep moving on with normal life, without thinking all day about your menopause.

Parting shot
During and after menopause, everything changes. And it is in the hand of every woman to always look for better life. Menopause is a new stage of fullness with much energy as any other stage of life. It is true that we have many undesired symptoms but that doesn't make us lesser women. We should embrace it and live with it like it doesn't mean anything.

Natural Ways to Treat Chronic Joint Pain

Managing chronic pain in the joints through natural steps is important and more effective than many people may suspect.

There are numerous causes for chronic joint pain, including things like fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, injuries, and more. There are also different options for managing and treating that pain, but the fact is that in most cases modern medicine will take a 'masking' approach that involves nothing more than trying to hide the pain through the use of pain relievers. Using natural options is a better idea since there are no side effects and since they focus on preventing pain from occurring.

There are a few different natural steps that you should think about when you are trying to manage your chronic pain. With the right methods, you can get relief that you may not have thought was possible.

Start off by finding a good supplement. Look for all-natural supplements that contain glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM. These three substances are the main ones for controlling joint pain and boosting joint health, and they'll work by increasing your cartilage and tendon strength. It may not help completely repair damage in the joints, but it will help reduce pain flare ups and will reduce the chance of further deterioration of cartilage.

Once you've found the right joint pain supplement to use as your basis for good joint health, you'll be ready to make the next moves towards better joint health. Start by changing your diet. Remove fats, sodium, and sugar. These are the "big three" when it comes to causing additional joint pain, and removing them from your diet will help reduce pain levels.

Acupuncture is another consideration that's well worth making. A lot of evidence has been found that suggests acupuncture is effective at controlling joint pain, so be sure to utilize it if you think it will help. You may be surprised by the results.

Also, remember that you don't have to deal with most pain flare ups through the use of drugs. Instead, ice compresses and capsaicin creams are enough to give yourself the right kind of pain relief in most cases. Serious pains may not be as easy to manage, but most chronic joint pain can be dealt with by using these simple methods.

If you're dealing with chronic joint pain, there are a number of different methods for controlling the pain. The points above are all good ideas for natural pain management when you need it.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

What You Need to Know about Your Joint Pain Supplement?

 The number of people who suffer from joint pain is rising, as well as the number of joint pain supplements in the market today. Finding the right cure might prove difficult as you are presented with way too many options. But, it is only through finding the right cure that you can enjoy relief from the debilitating joint pains. The Arthritis Foundation strongly recommends assessing and examining every joint supplement before making the decision to purchase something.

In order to make an informed choice about your future supplements, here are some frequently asked questions that you should consider.
FAQ in Choosing the Right Joint Supplement

The first question you should address would be what the ingredients are and their purposes?

Knowing what ingredients contained in your joint pain supplement will help you decide if the supplement will actually work for you.
The most powerful ingredients to address joint pain are:
Glucosamine – is a naturally-produced amino acid by the body. Researches show that ample amount of glucosamine in your joint supplement will help repair damaged cartilages and alleviate joint pains.

Chondroitin – just like glucosamine, chondroitin is also produced by our body. Chondroitin also helps in strengthening the cartilages as well as prohibit the formation of enzymes responsible in cartilage damage.

MSM - or Methylsulfonylmethane is a clinically tested ingredient which help improve the flexibility of the ligaments as well improve health of the ligaments.
Potent Herbs and substances – a combination of potent herbs and substances proven to improve joint health will also help address joint pains. Popular herbs and substances against joint pains include Boswellia, cat’s claw, bromelain, trypsin and hyaluronic acid.

Two of the best joint pain supplements where you can find the above ingredients are contained in each capsule of Flexoplex and Flexcerin. Flexoplex and Flexcerin both contain a unique blend of powerful ingredients making their formulas revolutionary and effective.

The next question you should consider is: What are the red flags for subpar joint supplements?

It is important to know what these red flags are in order to eliminate these supplements from your list.

The red flags include:
    Side effects.
    No money back guarantee.
    No trial packages.
    Full list of ingredients is not provided.

Some of the joint supplements such as Topricin, Penetrex, I-flex and Instaflex did not list all their ingredients. Undeclared ingredients may produce harmful side effects we may not know of until the product is used for some time.

The last question would be: how much does it cost

It is important to find a supplement that will give you your money’s worth. Cheap supplements do not mean they are not effective and vice-versa. The most important thing about a supplement’s price is that its efficiency makes it worth purchasing.

Bottom line

Once the above concerns are addressed, you are most likely be making a wise decision about the product you are purchasing. Looking at products such as Flexoplex and Flexcerin will give you a good idea of what a good joint pain supplement is supposed to be. Educating yourself about a joint supplement’s ingredients, possible side effects as well proper diet and regular exercise will help you achieve not just healthy joints but a healthy lifestyle as well.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Pain Relief Treatment - Some Essential Pain Relief Methods

There are no easy answers when it comes to finding the best pain relief treatment. As a matter of fact, some people spend year after year searching for the best supplements, and they always come up short. One problem is that people searching for the best pain relief treatment are easily swayed by advertisements and false medical writing. This is not their fault. The truth is that in the world of pain relief treatment, there are so many new ideas and so much new science being introduced every day, it really can be a little overwhelming and can create inadvertent illusions. We all want to find a pain relief treatment that makes sense for us, however, which means that we need supplements that stop our pain and which might even make a long term difference.

To get the most effective pain relief treatment and to get the most out of your treatment, it is a good idea to do two things. On the one hand, you want to begin a new exercise plan that directly addresses your pain. Second, you want to make sure that education is a key component of your pain relief treatment. This means that you need to read about the pain you experience, identify the cause, and make sure you know which cures or pain management methods are recommended by specialists whom you trust. While it is important to consult paid medical and health professionals before settling on pain relief treatment, it is essential that you remember that your health is your responsibility.

When you include exercise in your pain relief treatment, you are incorporating the most natural and most effective pain reduction method for most people. If you are suffering from back pain, then stretches and perhaps even yoga might help you to optimize your pain relief treatment. People who are suffering from wrist pain might need a pain relief treatment exercise plan that includes stretches and light weight lifting. In terms of education, your pain relief treatment should involve reading books that consider both natural or alternative cures, as well as pain relief treatment recommended by paid professionals.

It also is a good idea to add nutritional joint pain supplements to your pain relief treatment. For many people, the answer is to use natural supplements that provide pain relief treatment because they make sense. Think about ingredients such as glucosamine for joints and aloe vera for skin irritation. Herbal sprays are excellent for treating some muscle spasm conditions. Finding a natural pain relief treatment requires both an education and some common sense.